Category: Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence

Openness: A Key Factor for Smart Cities

In this chapter, the concept of openness in the context of smart cities is introduced. The concept describes on multiple levels how open (or closed) a city is. Openness in smart cities incorporates three key dimensions – transparency, participation, and collaboration – which affect various domains such as data processing or service provision. Using examples from ongoing and previous research, this chapter also discusses how to realize openness in practice and what benefits and drawbacks can result from different degrees of openness.

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How digital solutions can ease the COVID-19 impact on displaced populations

Displaced people face many challenges when integrating into the labor market in their host communities. They are also more likely than the host population to be employed in sectors that are highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as manufacturing, accommodation, and food services. And they are mostly employed informally, and thus have no job security or access to social safety nets during the COVID-19 related economic downturn.

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New YouTube Video

Have a look at our latest video explaining the Digitalization Sustainability Matrix!

The project “digitainable” investigates possible positive and negative impacts of the rapid progress in digitalization and artificial intelligence on sustainable development. […]

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The Digitalization Sustainability Matrix: A Participatory Research Tool for Investigating Digitainability

Rapidly increasing applications of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (D&AI) are already impacting our day-to-day life substantially, along with social and economic prospects worldwide. The accelerating utilization of D&AI has stirred the discussion concerning the responsible application of technologies for assisting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). D&AI can raise productivity, lower costs, reduce resource intensity, and enable efficient public services. However, there are also risks and downsides that we all must identify and tackle to address any potential short-/long-term undesired impact. Notably, there exists a gap in knowledge about the mutual relationships between D&AI and the 17 SDGs. […]

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Sustainable Digital Transformation of Disaster Risk

This article explores the relationship between digital transformation and disaster risk. Vulnerability studies aim at differentiating impacts and losses by using fine-grained information from demographic, social, and personal characteristics of humans. With ongoing digital development, these characteristics will transform and result in new traits, which need to be identified and integrated. […]

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Technologies, SDG indicators and Interlinkages

Sustainability and digitalisation are two of the most impactful discussions in today’s landscape. Each of them individually has generated a massive amount of research about how they can change essential practices, and mostly, governance, businesses, and society. However, the confluence of both of these trends largely remains uncharted. Many research activities on the concepts like digitalisation, digital transformation, industry 4.0 applications, etc. exist, but not all relevant dimensions have been well investigated. […]

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