Bonn Alliance “Mobility and Migration” Portfolio

Within the research priority “mobility and migration”, partner insitutions of the Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research have an outstanding portfolio of (complementary) research and policy support programs. The Head Office of the Bonn Alliance has undertaken an effort to collect, present and communicate this unique competence as a unitary whole.

On a global level, we observe that the relationship between transnationally mobile actors (including investors and companies, international NGOs, migrants) and stationary actors (such as governments, vulnerable population groups) is changing. New communication technologies, for example, allow very different actors to network and act transnationally. New, highly dynamic relationships are emerging that stand in the way of maintaining manifest and previously established boundaries. These shifts are complex and come with challenges and opportunities that need multiple perspectives and problem-solving techniques to be dealt with.

The Bonn Alliance partners offer a broad portfolio of both thematic and country-specific expertise which makes them ideal cooperation partners for approaching overarching questions on internationally relevant topics on mobility and migration, and for informing on processes, patterns, problems and possibilities.

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