DKKV Young Talents Award 2020 für Dissertation über das Dürrerisiko in Simbabwe

Der diesjährige Nachwuchspreis des Deutschen Komitees für Katastrophenvorsorge (DKKV) geht an die Absolventin des Masterstudiengangs „Geographie von Umweltrisiken und menschlicher Sicherheit“, Janna Frischen. Dies ist das zweite Jahr in Folge, dass eine Absolventin des Programms den Preis gewonnen hat.

Ein Beitrag von UNU-EHS in englischer Sprache:

“This year’s German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction (DKKV) Young Talents Award has been given to Master’s of Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security alumna Janna Frischen. This marks the second year in a row a graduate from the programme has won the award.

Frischen’s thesis, a drought risk assessment of Zimbabwe, garnered the jury’s attention and ultimate vote for its extensive research question and relevance to the theme “resilience.” Conducting her research under UNU-EHS’ Globe Drought Project, she carried out a national assessment, analyzing the drought hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and risk posed to the country’s regions and districts.

“I was really interested in drought as a hazard, because it is a complex hazard. It is quite a challenge to assess the onset, the spatial extent and the duration of an event. I was interested in exploring what methods were available to carry out a risk assessment,” says Frischen. Her research considered factors that traditional assessments often overlook like exposure, and vulnerability.


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